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Jeremiah 31:3    Matthew 10:29-31

God loves you with an everlasting love, a love that endures through all time.  God cares about every sparrow and just think how much more valuable you are to Him.


1 John 4:9-10    John 3:16-17

God the Father ultimately demonstrated His love for us by sending Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins.  Out of love, Jesus willingly sacrificed His life.


Romans 5:6-8   Ephesians 2:4-5
Luke 15:11-32

It doesn’t matter how many wrong things we have done in the past, Jesus loves us tremendously and is waiting with open arms to receive us.


Psalm 104:10-28

Can you see the love of God in brilliant sunsets, magnificent mountains, cascading waterfalls, the extraordinary colors of ocean life, and the beauty of dainty butterflies?  Jesus designed all creation for our pleasure!


Romans 8:35-39

What a comforting thought!  Even though we may be going through some hard or difficult times, God promises that nothing can separate us from His amazing love!


Psalm 103:3-5

Jesus wants to forgive you, save you, and cover you with His love and mercy!


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